The name of the village was initially Cortenova, which was the name of a court first mentioned in a diploma of King Carloman of the Franks dated 19 October 877. Probably, however, the "curtis" was born long before 877, in the years of the Longobard era (VI-VIII century). It was an agricultural village set in the centre of a large estate and formed by the "palatium" of the feudal lord, the houses of the servants, warehouses and stables, the chapel and the market square. The village was surrounded by a moat and other defensive works. "Cortenova" was one of the most important "curtis regiae" of the territory of Bergamo, because its position made it the link between Milan, Cremona and Bergamo. In 915 the "curtis" was owned by Count Didone, who then ceded it to the bishop of Bergamo, Adalberto.
There is a document that lists the various properties of the court and their extension, the number of servants and tenants. Over the years the territory of the "curtis" went into the hands of Bishop Ambrogio II from Martinengo, and subsequently became property of Oberto from Martinengo, a family member, who in 1171 built a castle.
At the time Oberto da Martinengo was already living in Cortenova; that’s why his family, relatives and descendants obtained the title of "Counts of Cortenova". Cortenova becomes a county (the Comitatus Curtisnovae) which extended over a territory corresponding to that of the ancient "curtis" and extended from the river Oglio to the river Serio for about 20 km. The Counts of Cortenova also owned almost all the lands of Martinengo, Romano, Covello, Covo, Fara, Isso, Mozzanica, Cividate, Mornico, Palosco, Calcinate, Bolgare and Telgate. (
Cortenuova Website
The Website has been made with the collaboration of the students of 3CECO during PCTO.
The following European competences have been developed:
The importance of the archaeological, architectural and artistic Italian heritage
The economic relevance of this heritage
The necessity of preserving it through digital protection and conservation
Moreover, the students have improved their ability to use computer facilities in their activities in order to understand the methodological value of Information Technology. IT has been used to formalize complex productive processes and to find solving procedures in a communicative context, by using texts, photographs and videos concerning tourism.

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